How SEO Works

Before choosing an SEO agency or unrolling your own SEO services, it’s important to first understand how SEO works. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is important when it comes to advertising your business in the digital space. It’s a process that when conducted, will result in a business’ web page’s rank improving on the search engine results page.

Different from Google Ads, SEO is based on the content on your website’s pages. To first understand how SEO works, we need to look at what Google and other related search engines do to determine which pages belong on the front page of search results. This process is broken down into three sections: crawling, indexing, and ranking.


Crawling is where Google crawls throughout the internet analysing all of the code and content on each URL it can identify. Once a URL is located, it is then stored into an index and the web page may then be displayed when a relevant query is searched for through the search engine.


Ranking is determined based on how relevant a webpage’s content is to a certain query. The more relevant the page is to a related query, the higher it will rank in search results.

Now that we understand Google’s side of SEO, it’s time to look at what SEO experts do to optimise a business’ ranking on search engine results pages. It’s important that an SEO consultant optimises content through keyword research - the process of determining a large set of relevant queries related to the industry. Once the appropriate and relevant keywords are researched, they are craftily implemented into web page content while ensuring that content remains natural and organic. This process is also known as on-page SEO. Any content that is considered spam by the engine will be flagged and the web page will not be ranking well on the results page.

Keyword research

Keyword research is not as simple as it sounds, however, as different businesses have different advantages with different sets of keywords. These are known as the head, body, and long-tail keywords. They are based on the length and generality of a query. Potential leads use all three forms to identify the right solution to their problem. On top of this, user-intent varies between keywords. The four popular query types are: Informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional. Each form has different answers for the user’s search.

If a business uses a keyword that they believe is popular and are optimised for, it may not be generating any click-throughs as it may be based on a navigational query, rather than a query with purchase intent. This may seem like a minor detail - however, if it doesn’t generate leads/click-throughs for your brand, it doesn’t add value to your business.

Finally, the ranking and effectiveness of each keyword are tracked and analysed, ensuring that optimisation is built and maintained on a business’ web pages. Learn more about SEO and how Studio Seventyfour can provide SEO services that optimise and rank your business’ webpages on the search engine results pages by contacting us here or click the button below.


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